Sunday, June 24, 2007

wealth and prosperity

We support President Bush and the Fascists when we drive our SUVs as macho, when we support shows that glorify violence (I would like someone to explain to me the difference between Pulp Fiction and Iraq), when we support Fascist slave labor (why is it the first words out of our mouths when asked where to buy something are "Wal-Mart"!), when we glorify the suffering of others under the guise of humanity (how many of us glorify Michael Moore's new film when he is responsible for suffering of others by eating too much meat) and when we glorify destruction of the planet by growth and development under the guise of 'amnesty' to illegal aliens (for the record I oppose growth and development in any form by practicing family planning - I have no children and plan on one child and adoption).
I support the Green, the Constitution and the Libertarian parties. If Al Gore had asked Ralph Nader to be his running mate instead of running against him he would have been declared president and we wouldn't be in this mess right now (I would like someone to explain to me if they support Broadway Joe of Connecticut who has morphed into a neocon).
You are right that the Republican Party is Fascist and opposed to human rights. You are wrong that Rightists support the Republican Party. Have you heard of Ron Paul (as I have for some years) opposed to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? Have you heard of Alan Keyes (whom I went to see years ago and voted for in the 2000 primary) who states that man must serve his private duty and if he does not the State will do so?
I believe in free enterprise, not Fascism. You state that corporatism must be stopped because it produces wealth. For heaven's sake, look in the mirror!, if corporations produce wealth, than make everyone their own corporation! When Africans, Asians, Americans are free to start their own multi-national corporation we will all be better off.

Of course freedom is prosperity!

I believe in the freedom to make money. In fact the Founding Fathers originally wrote 'the pursuit of property' before changed to 'pursuit of happiness'.

As a Rightist I support prosperity - for everyone! I have written (and was about to post on my site) that I want to abolish labor and make every citizen in the world a corporation. You argue that corporations generate wealth. I couldn't agree more - if we want more wealth, make everyone a corportation!

Let Africans, Americans and Asians become as properous as possible. Money certainly buys me happiness - if I had money, the first thing I would do is buy a horse. (The second thing would be a tent to live as the cavalry did so I could travel the world with my horse.)

People complain they do not have enough money - when was the last time you heard someone complain they had too much? (I know two - the actress on 'The Love Boat' who spent her entire million dollar a year salary for five years on cocaine - and the poor husband in Texas who endured years of suffering in an abusive divorce, only to win the lottery the day it was annulled to have it start all over again.)

Yes, I want Iraq and Afghanistan to be prosperous, as well as the rest of the world. I want to end hunger and want. Don't you?

Sunday, June 17, 2007

It's true

Dear concerned citizen,

I know how you feel. You are scratching your head wondering why your organization is not receiving enough money when there are wealthy Americans who do not care about the poor. You know something is very wrong, and it is not your imagination.
I've been looking for the right word and today I found it. The problem is that mean-spirited people dominate our government, and money is not flowing freely. How do I know that? In the early 1960s, astronaut Alan Shepard was about to become the second man, and first American, in space.
A reporter asked him what he was thinking as he sat atop the Redstone rocket, waiting for liftoff, he had replied, 'The fact that every part of this ship was built by the low bidder.'" (Courtesy Gene Kranz in his book Failure Is Not an Option)
The obvious humor is the reality of fraility of life, but there is sadly a second meaning. Today, it is a fact that some government contracts are not going to the low bidder. In fact, some government contracts are not bidded at all. Contracts for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are going to whoever benefits the most.
Our government is corrupt at the highest level, we are paying the price, and I want to help you. I read your letters and I know there are people who need help they are not receiving. We must restore honesty and dignity. We must show people that money does not buy happiness.

Friday, June 8, 2007

The end of our universe

Scientists announced they have detected a black hole nearly thirteen billion light-years from Earth.

In point of fact astronomers use AU (Astronomical Unit, the distance from the Earth to the Sun) and parsec, the distance of one arc of parallax, to measure distance in space. I grew up with light-years and is the distance I use.

Since the discovery of the telescope in the early seventeenth century man has been able to look ever further (and earlier) away. Before the telescope there was no proof even that the Earth was not the center of the universe. When Galileo pointed his telescope at Jupiter and saw the four moons orbiting it, this became affirmation that we are not the center of the universe.

As scientists look ever further and earlier, it begs the quesion; what lies beyond our universe? Is our Universe the only universe in space? As for earlier in time, physicists believe the universe was a single piece of matter that exploded, the Big Bang billions of years ago creating everything. What existed before that piece of matter? Where did it come from?
How to end one's life without committing the unpardonable sin of murder.

People believe there are two ways of dealing with terrible terminal illness; endure till the end, or end the life early. There is a third choice which a man took in 1982 and was hailed a hero.

Barney Clark was suffering from heart disease and opted for a new procedure, the world's first artificial heart. Mr Clark knew he was not going to live long with the transplant. He barely survived 112 days.

When we are faced with an illness of immense suffering for which there is no ease of pain we should be able to decide to volunteer for medical research as Barney Clark did. There are always any number of experimental drugs and procedures that by law cannot be performed on humans because they have not been approved for use.

I believe in those circumstances the patient has the right to choose. This is not suicide. Barney Clark did not commit suicide, even though his choice was responsible for his death. His act saved lives as research on his artificial heart provided the medical profession with knowledge that could not be obtained otherwise. In the end he has been responsible for saving lives.