Friday, April 19, 2019

LTE, GO Transit March 5, 2019

GO Transit, a Division of Metrolinx EM0006007539


·         GO Transit Customer Relations 

To:Daniel Barker

Mar 5 at 9:09 AM

Dear Mr. Barker,

Thank you for contacting us about extending service all day between the Aldershot GO and the Hamilton GO Centre.  

We have plans to offer two-way, all day service seven days a week between Toronto and Aldershot GO. This plan also provides weekday rush-hour service from Hamilton to Toronto in the morning and back in the afternoon. Our goal is to offer new hourly service from Hamilton seven days a week. For more information on these exciting plans, I have included a link.

Additionally the Provincial Government and the Federal Government fund us. For more information ;

With respect to who owns the rails between the Aldershot GO and Hamilton, they are owned by CN.

Once again, I appreciate you taking the time to contact us.
Andrea Corken | Customer Service Representative
GO Transit, A Division of Metrolinx
20 Bay Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2W3
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