Fwd: saving wildlife
in Arctic
SierraClub Information
28, 2014 at 1:37
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Hines <jhcasitas@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: saving wildlife in Arctic
To: SierraClub Information <information@sierraclub.org>
From: James Hines <jhcasitas@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: saving wildlife in Arctic
To: SierraClub Information <information@sierraclub.org>
Hello Daniel:
Thank you so much for your comments. You make a lot of
very good points. Here in the Sierra Club-Los Padres Chapter (Ventura and Santa
Barbara counties, CA) we are working hard on several different campaigns to get
local governments to increase mass transit and others way of getting people out
of their cars. More bicycle friendly cities is part of our campaign as well as
getting local companies to encourage carpooling for employees and using
electric vehicles in their company fleets. We are getting results here.
again thanks for writing, we are all in this together and each
of us does makes a difference.
for a cleaner planet,
Jim Hines, Conservation Chair
Sierra Club-Los Padres Chapter
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daniel Barker <whipple1078@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 4:13 PM
Subject: saving wildlife in Arctic
To: Sierra <information@sierraclub.org>
From: Daniel Barker <whipple1078@yahoo.com>
Date: Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 4:13 PM
Subject: saving wildlife in Arctic
To: Sierra <information@sierraclub.org>
Jim Hines
Conservation Chair
Sierra Club Los Padres Chapter
Conservation Chair
Sierra Club Los Padres Chapter
Sierra Club
85 2nd St
San Francisco, CA 94105
85 2nd St
San Francisco, CA 94105
Mr Hines,
It is obvious the reason
people drill for oil is demand, not profit; if people stopped using oil there
would be no profit and drilling.
What can I do to help?
Hello, as a lifelong conservative
and libertarian and since its founding Tea Party member, today's story about
the "McMansion" actor Ron Howard sold sets a bad example.
I believe it is hard to set an example of legislation and taxation supposedly for 'saving the planet' when the worst offenders are liberal entertainers.
Of course, in all honesty, my hat goes off to Amtrak Joe, Jr.! a Senator who commuted by public train (and still does, according to rumors - I can verify we saw a lot of people carrying guns in Union Station) is an example I believe everyone should try to follow.
Yes, I agree with more Amtrak service. We ride the train as much as possible. What else? Encourage flexitarian. Also, we just learned Nestle is drilling for oil right there in California in one of the driest in the nation - all because the land is owned by Amerian Indians.
I believe it is hard to set an example of legislation and taxation supposedly for 'saving the planet' when the worst offenders are liberal entertainers.
Of course, in all honesty, my hat goes off to Amtrak Joe, Jr.! a Senator who commuted by public train (and still does, according to rumors - I can verify we saw a lot of people carrying guns in Union Station) is an example I believe everyone should try to follow.
Yes, I agree with more Amtrak service. We ride the train as much as possible. What else? Encourage flexitarian. Also, we just learned Nestle is drilling for oil right there in California in one of the driest in the nation - all because the land is owned by Amerian Indians.
You can encourage
electric bicycles. Also, we need to be realistic about illegal aliens -
the simple laws of mathematics state if population increases, so does demand
for resources. The native population here, that is, all demographic
groups, have a negative birth rate; it is only the massive illegal immigration
that is responsible for more demand for oil, water, land resulting in loss of habitat.
Egret Drive
FL 33809
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