Friday, April 19, 2019

LTE, Siera Club, petroleum and peace

Re: What?!


·         SierraClub Information
Dec 13 at 12:19 PM
Dear Daniel,

Thank you for contacting Sierra Club. You may be interested in passing along your inquiry to our environmental blogger, Mr. Green at

Thank you for your support on behalf of the environment.

Kind Regards,


Sierra Club Member Care
2101 Webster Street, Ste 1300
Oakland, CA 94610
Tel : 415-977-5653
Fax: 510-208-5500

On Sun, Dec 9, 2018 at 5:46 AM Daniel Barker <> wrote:
Sierra Club

Fellow Americans,

    As we fight tooth and nail to stop the rape of wilderness, National Park, Arctic by President Trump for drilling for fuel, a strange fact: America now is an oil exporter, which means less profit is going to warring nations and terrorists fighting over oil!
    Obviously there is a better solution for peace and ending terrorism than destruction of wilderness.  The reason we still petroleum is lack of electric vehicle, and solar.  What we need is battery.  We have lithium too expensive, lead-acid too heavy and toxic.  With battery, this means both electric vehicle and a means to store solar. 
    We know the bizarre irony wind and solar is at times produce too much power!
I have taken steps on the path to better energy.  Both the home of my parents and my home is equipped with UPS.  This means we have some protection during blackout and more often brownout.  The UPS keep the electronics going during any power situation, then the batteries recharged when power returns to normal.

What can I do to help?

Daniel Barker
6339 Egret Dr.
Lakeland, FL  33809-5652

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