Friday, April 19, 2019

LTE, Ledger, just after 2018 election

November 16, 2018

Letter: It’s time to live like you vote

First, I thank Polk County voters for doing their civic duty, a record turnout that will stand in history. I know the 12 state amendments went on forever and all except number one passed.

I call on Democrats to do in their daily lives how they vote: recycle, use public transit, when on vacation ride our nation’s train, use rechargeable batteries, eat as much meat as told by your doctor, use efficient lightbulbs.

I call on Republicans to do in their daily lives how they vote: run a business and pay employees a good wage and offer medical care, encourage foreigners living here to become Americans, encourage people to get educated for a better job and career, fight racism.

I call on other voters to live according to how they vote.

Florida has limited terms, and regardless how the vote turns out, I call on Gov. Rick Scott, win or lose, to campaign as he said for limited terms on Capitol Hill. The last memorable election was 1994′s “Contract with America” and part of the Republican Party’s pledge was limited terms in Washington

Daniel Barker


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